Join the Working Together with Parents Network

Thank you for your interest in joining the network. We support professionals working with parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties and their children. Network members are professionals committed to promoting the welfare of these children.

Members benefit from: 
  • Opportunities to exchange knowledge and share positive practice with a network of fellow professionals from across adults and children’s social care, education, health, legal and independent advocacy sectors.

  • Opportunities to develop a common vision and effective ways of joint working between services supporting parents with learning disabilities and learning difficulties.

  • Updates on research, policy, practice, and key legal developments.  
This form is for those wishing to join the network. If you wish to find out more before joining the network, please contact us at

Your details

Data Protection: How we process your information? 

By completing this form, NCB will process your information in accordance with its privacy notice, and on the lawful basis of legitimate interest. If you would like to understand more about how NCB will process your information or exercise any of your rights such as opting out of communications, please read the privacy notice here, and reach out to us. 

As a member of the network, you may be contacted by the National Children’s Bureau about products or services offered by us that may be of interest to you in your work with parents. We may also contact you with queries from other network members where input from fellow professionals may be of benefit to their work with parents with learning needs.

If, at any time, you no longer wish to be a member of the Network and would like to be removed from our database, please email
with the words UNSUBSCRIBE FROM WTWPN in the subject line and your name in the body of the email.